Teaching Assistant - Permanent

  • Employer: Jigsaw
  • Reference: JIG/25/301982
  • Published: Wed 15/01/2025, 9:26 AM
  • Closing on: Mon 10/02/2025, 17:00 PM
  • Working Pattern: Part Time, Term Time
  • Hours: 14 hours per week, 11am - 2.30pm
  • Salary: Salary is Pro- Rata
  • DBS Check: Enhanced
  • Workplace: On-Site
  • Location: Jigsaw Primary Pupil Referral Unit, Merseyside

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More Information

Teaching Assistant - Permanent

Teaching Assistant Level 1, Jigsaw Primary Pupil Referral Unit 

Term Time Only, Part-time - Tuesday to Friday 11am to 2.30 pm (14 hrs) Permanent

Salary Scale C 

Jigsaw PRU caters for pupils between 5 and 11 who are at risk of exclusion or have been excluded from school. Class sizes are small, with a high adult pupil ratio. The team are dedicated to helping pupils thrive and supporting their educational journey. We are a close team, who support each other in giving our pupils what they need. We adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of our pupils.

Jigsaw is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people and expects all staff to share this commitment.

The Management Committee of Jigsaw are seeking to appoint an excellent and enthusiastic teaching assistant to join our experienced team.  The candidate will support staff and pupils in classes of up to 10 pupils.  The position is primarily to cover staff breaks across three classes and support pupils in the dining hall and on the playground.  

We can offer:

  • A committed and caring team
  • An opportunity to support pupils in an exciting alternative setting
  • Support in developing skills in SEN
  • Excellent support and guidance

In addition to the candidate’s ability to perform the duties of the post, the interview will also explore issues relating to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.

Guidance about whether a conviction or caution should be disclosed can be found on the Ministry of Justice website, which can be accessed here: 


In accordance with our statutory obligations under Keeping Children Safe in Education Jigsaw is required to conduct an online search as part of our due diligence on shortlisted candidates. This may help identify any incidents or issues that have happened and are publicly available online, which we may want to explore with you at the interview.

Please ensure there are no unaccounted-for gaps in employment or training history on the application form. 

Informal visits to the school are strongly recommended, please contact the school office to arrange an appointment:  0151 934 2485

How to Apply

Please apply online via the link provided. Please note, we do not accept CVs. Please fully complete the online application form.

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