Headteacher- Alternative Provision Service
- Employer: St Helens Borough Council
- Reference: STHAPSHT2
- Published: Thu 04/04/2024, 9:34 AM
- Closing on: Fri 03/05/2024, 23:53 PM
- Working Pattern: Full Time
- Hours: 32.50 hours per week
- Salary: £71,729 pa To: £83,081 pa
- DBS Check: Enhanced
- Workplace: On-Site
- Location: St Helens Metropolitan Council, Merseyside
Vacancy Location
More Information
Headteacher- Alternative Provision Service
We are looking to appoint a Head Teacher to lead and manage our passionate and hardworking teams of staff that make up our Alternative Provision Service. If you are looking for a new and rewarding challenge in alternative education provision and are committed to making a difference, then we look forward to hearing from you.
You will be an experienced senior leader with experience of pupil referral units (PRU), short stay schools, AP Free Schools, and or SEMH / SEND schools, rather than just from a background of ‘in-house’ AP (usually within a mainstream school) or an unregistered AP. There are complexities to understand and work with around commissioning arrangements as well as the landscape going forward for AP provision nationally, and that is why we are looking for an exceptional candidate who is either already a Head Teacher looking for a new challenge, or a senior leader ready to lead, manage and influence our provision as our Headteacher, driving any transformation necessary.
As our newly appointed Headteacher you will have the autonomy to make a real impact on the St Helens Alternative Provision Service. Our provision is for some of the most disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils in St Helens. The Local Authority team is highly experienced and diverse, and is available to support you, as are the Headteachers in our locality.
The post:
Headteacher of the Alternative Provision Service– Launchpad & PACE Pupil Referral Units.
Full time-permanent; Grade: L18 – L24
The recruitment timeline
• The closing date and time for applications is 10.00am on Friday 3rd May 2024
• Short listing will be carried out by the recruitment panel during the week beginning Tuesday 7th May 2024
• Short listed candidates will be informed via email and or telephone, by Wednesday 8th May
• Interviews for shortlisted candidates will be held on Wednesday 22nd May 2024 and Thursday 23rd May 2024.
Prospective candidates can if they wish, make an appointment to visit. If you are interested in this position, and want a conversation and or to arrange a visit on 15th,16th, 22nd and 23rd April 2024 then you are welcome to contact:
Lesley Fewtrell (Senior Administration Officer) at LesleyFewtrell@sthelens.gov.uk.
Alternative Provision in St. Helens:
St. Helens Local Authority believes every child should be able to access an education which will enable them to achieve their full potential regardless of their individual needs, background, and postcode within the borough. To achieve this, alternative provision in St. Helens plays a key role. Alternative provision provides support for children during some of the most challenging times of their lives, capitalising on support that has already been put in place at their schools and going that extra mile to meet their needs and transform a child’s life chances. The Alternative Provision Service includes two DfE registered provisions that are run by the local authority, both have been rated ‘good’ by Ofsted. They are Launchpad and PACE.
Launchpad KS3 Pupil Referral Unit
Provision for: Key Stage 3 Maximum: 20 pupils
Launchpad KS3 is a pupil referral unit with a maximum capacity of 25 students from years 7 to 9 (ages 11-14 years). Students are referred to the provision by their mainstream schools when they are at risk of permanent exclusion via the Fair access Panel. The pupils follow a KS3 curriculum studying Maths, English, Science, PHSE, History, Art, PE, Food tech and can achieve AQA accreditation for some of their work.
Launchpad KS4 Pupil Referral Unit
Provision for: Key Stage 4 Maximum: 40 pupils
Launchpad KS4 Pupil Referral Unit offers educational provision for pupils with social, emotional, and mental health difficulties in Year 10 and 11.
Pupils that are dual registered are referred for a 2- or 3-day placement by their mainstream school if it is felt that they can achieve either academic accreditations or vocational qualifications with us or our Alternative Education partners.
For the pupils attending Launchpad KS4 who are single registered, the opportunity is given to both access Alternative Education and study for vocational qualifications alongside academic qualifications such as GCSE, thereby providing a comprehensive 5-day educational package if it is felt this is more appropriate to their needs.
The Alternative Education Provision through the Key Stage 4 PRU is by external quality assured providers who specialise in meeting the needs of learners who have experienced social, emotional, and mental health difficulties in mainstream provision. The learners have an opportunity within Alternative Education to access vocational learning and linked accreditation from entry 3 up to level 2 depending on ability.
Learners on Alternative Education will have an educational package built to suit their individual needs. The package may include a vocational qualification, functional skills in English and Maths or a work placement to ensure an effective transition to post 16 education.
Launchpad Tuition Services
Provision for: Key Stage 3 and 4 Maximum: 35 pupils
Launchpad Tuition Services offers provision to vulnerable young people who are unable to cope with the pressures of mainstream school and need inclusive support. The Launchpad Tuition base offers on-site educational provision for vulnerable pupils with medical and/or complex needs. The difficulties experienced by young people, which results in their referral to the unit often encompass mental health needs including depression, self-harming, phobias, and extreme anxiety. We also offer provision for pupils who are too frail to safely access a mainstream secondary school due to medical conditions such as epilepsy, mobility, heart and lung defects or anorexia. There are also several pupils who are neurodiverse. Pupils study the National Curriculum and study for GCSE’s and Functional Skills.
Day 6 Base
Provision for: Key Stage 2, 3 and 4
The Day 6 Base offers temporary placement for permanently excluded pupils from day 6 of their exclusion. Pupils continue to study core subjects, personal and social education, and short unit work, accredited through AQA Awards. Staff support pupils into their next provision or new mainstream school wherever possible. The pupils attending the Day 6 Base will be on the roll of either PACE or Launchpad, depending on their age.
About PACE:
Provision for: Key Stage 1 and 2 Maximum: 25 pupils
PACE is a short stay Pupil Referral Unit provision designed to support Key Stage 1 and 2 pupils with Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) back into mainstream education. At this moment there are places for 25 children, to serve the 54 primary schools in the borough.